Why a city will call manholes maintenance holes

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Berkeley voted to removed words such as "man power" and "manhole" from its city codes A city council in California has voted in favour of replacing gendered language with…

US senator asks FBI to investigate FaceApp

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer says the app is "deeply troubling" Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer has called for an investigation into FaceApp, which alters users' photos to make…

Dosa king dies after losing fight to avoid…

Image copyright AFP Image caption P Rajagopal, founder of the Saravana Bhavan chain, pictured on a menu at one of the restaurants The Indian owner of the global restaurant chain Saravana Bhavan, who was convicted…

PM warns against politics of winners and losers

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionMay: "I'm worried about the state of politics"Theresa May has said the growth of an "uncompromising absolutism" in UK and global politics risks poisoning debate and undermining…

Can you trust FaceApp with your face?

Image copyright FaceApp Image caption The app has gone viral - but how many fans have read the terms and conditions? Everyone is talking about FaceApp - the app that can edit photos of people's…

Amputated limbs unearthed in Waterloo dig

Image copyright Chris van Houts Image caption Four human bones have been unearthed on the dig so far Human leg bones have been unearthed in the first excavation of the main allied field hospital used…

How El Chapo fell victim to his own…

Image copyright Reuters Image caption "Even as a little child," Guzmán's mother said, "he had ambitions" Caked in filth, the world's most powerful drug baron hauled himself from a manhole. For Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán,…

The steady woman whose shaking has touched a…

Image copyright EPA Image caption Every incident is being watched carefully for signs of illness Angela Merkel celebrates her 65th birthday on Wednesday, but despite speculation about her health she intends to stay chancellor until…