/5.8 magnitude earthquake shakes California

5.8 magnitude earthquake shakes California

The epicenter was near Cartoga, about 180 miles north of Los Angeles.

A 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit California around 10:45 a.m. local time Wednesday.

The epicenter was near Cartoga, about 180 miles north of Los Angeles.

People at several businesses near Lone Pine and Bishop told ABC News the while the shaking was “intense,” they didn’t see any damage.

Several rockslides were reported in Inyo County.

Some shaking was felt in LA.

This comes a day after a 7.4 magnitude quake hit Mexico, near the resort of Huatulco, killing at least six people and damaging hundreds of homes, according to The Associated Press. At least six others were hurt, including two people in Mexico City, more than 300 miles from the epicenter.

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